Snow White 1937

A story of a princess who finds herself alongside seven dwarfs all with a variety of persnoality

During the 1950s when the place for a women was to be at home, is represented during Snow White. Snow White was made in 1937 around the time that woman domestic stereotypes began, and that is why it is portrayed in Snow White. Disney use the movies, to portray the society around the time.

Snow White is a story of a princess who operatically sings about her life and cleaning. The flouncy princess tiptoes upon seven dwarfs who help her find her one true love, Prince Charming. She mothers them and cares for them and they lead her to her destiny, the male protagonist, who she immediately and stupidly falls in love with. Without even knowing what this man is like. This storyline represents the society pre 1960 as women were seen to not work and stay at home to clean and mother the children. This also prommotes female gender as naive as their only goal in life to find happiness is with a man (Prince Charming).

seven dwarfs

“Snow White is the most pure-hearted princess; she’s never mean, cruel, or stubborn, and, because of her resilience and hopeful nature, she shows a great inner strengh against adversity. Showcasing that you don’t have to be physically tough to be strong.”- Disney Wiki. 

Find out more about Snow White…

Unlike post 1960s princesses, Snow White is by no means brave. When in danger, or frightened, she screams and cowers and cant run until someone tells her to. she prances, sings and gasps more than any normal human being. After being in danger, she sings and she is miraculously happy again. She never says a word to her true love, the prince, who she instantly falls in love with. The two characters meet in duet, and then meet once more later on, where he kisses her. This was criticised by feminists so much that Disney have now developed such as stupid, unrealistic character in their recent princess movies to form a relationship such as Belle and the beasts.
This passive princes, is weak, gentle, never fights back or complains and cleans and cooks for her friends. This is a stereotypical 1950s woman, as they were portrayed at the time. Snow White is well outdated now in 2013, which is why it is maybe not so popular with the younger generations anymore as it is seen as unrealistic.

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