Ariel 1989

arielAriel, the Little Mermaid. A story of a young girl who lives under the sea, longing to become human on land. She rebels against her father and saves a male on the beach. (Girl saves boy – reverse of pre-1960s) Ariel then gives up her voice to become human with this man and they fall in love.

Find out more about Ariel by clicking here.

Still has most stereotypical female traits, however, she has become independent against her father and brave to venture among human grounds. Although, this film is criticised for being another ‘Love Story’ about a girl who gives up everything (her voice) to be with a man she’s never spoken to.  In contrast to the usual Disney ‘Love Stories’ Ariel, the female protagonist is shown as an adventurer. She explores wreckage, She is then attacked by a shark, but bravely outsmarts it, as if it was nothing. She also swims up to the surface of the ocean after continuously being told by her friends and family not to as it is ‘dangerous’. She swims around a burning wreckage to save her love Erik. She has always been fascinated by the human world, and following her dream. This compares well with the pre 1960s princesses such as Snow White. 

The usual boy saves girl move doesn’t happen in Ariel, she saved him from a burning sinking ship and also from the sea witch Ursula. Unlike the pre 1960s princesses, Ariel is allowed to be human, she rebels against her fathers word to become who she wants to be. It is not realistic to represent  females as petit, domestic dolls. Ariel acheives her dream in a realistic way by screwing up in-between, which makes it accessible to the audience, as they can empathise. However, she appears to be naive and immature. Within the film she questions items such as ‘Forks’ and asks silly questions to her friends. Portraying females as dumb and stupid.

ariel and eric
“Ariel is a bright, spirited mermaid who is also adventurous and stubborn. Her curiosity and love for adventure sometimes gets her into trouble. Usually, however, Ariel overcomes any obstacle she faces like she uses magic to change things. Her best friend is a fish named Flounder, and she develops a close relationship with a crab named Sebastian, the court’s composer.”- Disney Wiki.

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